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Work process optimization with our law firm software

Work process optimization with our law firm software

You are looking for a way to internal office Accelerate and automate processes? You want yours PrincipalIntensify relationships and hire your specialistsrelieve? Then we have the optimal solution.

Virtual & innovative

Our tax kanzlei has developed tax office software based on the functions of Microsoft Dynamics, the A large part of the administrative work is taken care of by youtakes. The programs were developed by ourselves and simplify your everyday working life through templates and automated processes. Easy to get started, low running costs – find out more now!

Automate processes, store & manage data, create templates: keep up with the times and take advantage of the advantages of AI.
With our tax office software you remain competitive and are always ready for national and international challenges.
Letter and work templates, powers of attorney, contracts - the tax office software provides you with everything you need for your daily administrative work.
Law firm software for international solutions

Nnational & Union challenges can only be managed to a limited extent with existing specialist software solutions, Lots clients were born abroad, do not have a German marital property regime or have children studying abroad. Often Not only do domestic tax numbers have to be managed, but reports abroad must also be submitted or at least accompanied. With our tax office software you can also keep track of international matters.

international solution
Save time: law firm software for tax advisors

Newe clients Winning is a time-consuming process that requires countless checks, document requirements, powers of attorney and contracts. The clients need online access like for example MyDATEV or DATEV companies online and must be trained in how to use them. Don't you have the time for that? Our System takes care of you through automated and AI-supported processes administrative worken so that you can concentrate on your actual tasks.

Tax office software reduces the shortage of skilled workers

Our Tax advisor software frees up capacity for you and your employees for more important tasks. The automated processes and resources freed up allow you significantly more orders during your normal working hourszutake and take offzuwork. A larger order situation in turn leads to higher income and higher possible Salaries, which not only keeps your company competitive, but also makes it attractive to potential new employees.

Shortage of skilled workers
More joy at work
More time to listen - law firm software for more joy at work

In a tax office, professionals are often under stress due to numerous queries and a lack of work planning and work preparation. The not only affects your mood, but also affects your efficiency. Our Tax office software automates all work processes in your law firm and ensures that your employees come to work with a smile. A smile that your customers notice. A relaxed consultant is a better listener and therefore creates significant added value.

Take advantage of the advantages of AI – with our software for tax advisors

The AI-based Technology to our Tax office software is able to umextensive rangete to the core message zu to reduce and Presentations only through voice input zu produceen. The AI ​​creates you from Master data Expertise on international property or inheritance law, evaluates Contracts and files stored in the SharePoint folder electronically and leads Data from tax returns or accounting in one Kcapital flow and debt statements together.

Explained step by step:

Setting up the system

1. Setting up the system in the Microsoft Azure cloud. This does not disrupt operations.

2. Creation of individual email signatures in Dynamics

3. Creation of letter templates, work templates, powers of attorney, contracts for working in Dynamics

4. You or we read the master data from your system and adopt it 1:1  
into the Microsoft Dynamics CRM specially configured for tax advisors.

AI solution

5. The AI ​​solution built into the CRM independently searches for additional master data and enters it. Such data comes, for example, from commercial registers (national, international), directories of professional associations, Social To be found automatically via media channels, the customer's Internet or a Google search. This is done without any manual effort. However, manual additions are possible and useful. The additions can be made, for example, in the course of processing the tax return.

access rights

6. Automatic creation of your individual folder structure in SharePoint.
Determination of access rights, including for your customers

7. Discussing your business processes, setting priorities

Specialist software

8. Automation of your business processes in Dynamics with integration
Your specialist software e.g. DATEV and DMS

Training employees

9. Training of employees. These continue to work as usual in the specialist software, only communication takes place slightly differently via Dynamics instead of Outlook.  
Errors in the application do not lead to a crash.

10. Introduction of customers, accompanied by explanatory videos

A law firm software cloud for all communication

Codes, passwords, 3-factor authentication and numerous emails - die communication between tax consultant and client can be challenging. Through our system erhalten your mandanten an single access to a Platform, on all communication with the tax advisor and all channels are saved. Dthe clients kLEVERAGING here upload receipts as usual, conversationpre-assign ermine or enter deadlines to which they automatically reminded wearth.

Law firm software communication
Data Backup
Data backup through SharePoint folder structure

Dank AI solutions like TaxPunk and Chat GPT can clients Letter templates hehave drafts of contracts made request or itself advance information about tax issues. Each Principal receivet abesides automatically one Access to SharePoint-Folder structure. In thesem Default folder can for example Documents to collect be deposited. The PrincipalYou also have the opportunity to sensitivee files such as wills, access data or private letters zu to save and if necessary to third parties Freezugive.

Don't have the time to familiarize yourself with a new system? No problem. With our law firm software, no relearning is necessary - get started and maximize your efficiency.
Replacing existing software? Not necessary. Our tax office software can be easily integrated into specialist systems such as DATEV, Addison and Co.
Save resources and increase your order volume: Our law firm software helps you generate higher income and remain competitive.