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The employment of foreign workers in Germany can result in the receiving company in Germany having to assume the employer's obligations, even though there is no employment relationship with the employee working here.

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Posting of employees

A typical case is the posting of an employee from a foreign affiliated company to Germany. Very often, employees from foreign companies are brought to Germany as part of so-called work contracts. In these cases there is a foreign entrepreneur who employs the employees.

They are then taken by the company to their location in Germany. This is often found in construction companies, in slaughterhouses or in agriculture. In industry, foreign employees are preferably brought into the company via temporary employment agencies.

In all of these cases, there is no employment contract with the person where the employees actually work. Nevertheless, according to the Income Tax and Social Security Act, employer obligations can be transferred to the domestic employing company.

Employees in terms of tax law and social security law

Conversely, what is considered an employment contract under civil law (§ 611 ff. BGB) does not necessarily have to be considered an employment relationship within the meaning of social security law.

For example, shareholders and managing directors of a GmbH are treated like entrepreneurs with regard to social security if they directly or indirectly hold more than 50% of the shares.

And this despite the fact that under civil law there is undoubtedly an employee relationship that is also recognized for tax purposes. In terms of tax and social security law, the terms differ.

Employees in terms of tax law and labor law

On top of that. Because tax law defines the term employee in other constellations completely independently of labor law. This is because in tax law all sources of income are assigned to one type of income.

In certain constellations, income from employment is shifted to another category. This means that an employee employed by a KG is no longer treated like an employee for tax purposes, but rather like an entrepreneur as soon as he receives even a small stake in the company.

In terms of labor law and social security, he will still be treated as an employee. However, from now on there is no longer any need to withhold and pay income tax.

Disadvantage for the employee

What is disadvantageous for the employee is that his income, including the employer's contributions to the SV, is subject to income and trade tax. You should therefore consider whether you want to be involved in a partnership (GbR, OHG, KG).

Employer's Obligations

While in the cases mentioned there is at least an oral or written contract between the parties involved, tax law, in order to secure fiscal claims, also extends the employer's obligations to the recipients of benefits who have no contractual relationship with the employee, but do have with their employer.

After that, the person who “economically bears the wages for the work performed” is also declared to be an employer in cases where a foreign employer sends employees to a domestic company. The prerequisite for this is not that the company pays the employee's wages in its own name and for its own account. It is sufficient if the wages from abroad are passed on to the domestic company via internal billing.

Wages paid by a third party as part of the employment relationship are also subject to wage tax if the employer knows or can recognize that such remuneration is being provided; This is to be assumed in particular if employers and third parties are affiliated companies within the meaning of § 15 of the AktG.

The fact that in these cases, in addition to the issue of payroll tax, an unrecognized payroll tax permanent establishment and, depending on the situation, also an income tax permanent establishment of the foreign company arise, makes the matter even more exciting.

Jürgen Bächle
Jurgen Bachle

has been working as an independent tax consultant and expert in international tax law since 1989 and has been a member of the board of the German Association of Tax Consultants Baden-Württemberg, DSTVBW, for over 20 years.


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